Purchase order guide

Purchasing Online with Stiltexgroup.it:


Stiltexgroup.it is a fast, simple and totally secure online shopping environment. To purchase products, simply use the navigation bars that are on the right hand-side and top of every page to find the products you are interested in. Select a product in the catalog in the column to the right of the screen. You can choose from a wide selection of fabrics such as: Apparel, Home furnishings, etc. For a quick reference to see details or colour of product desired, just input the word “red” or “wool” in the “Search site” field and all related articles in that field will pop up.


The Shopping Cart


The insertion of one or more products to your shopping cart is very simple. Once you see a product you would like to order, enter the quantity you want in the quantity field and then click the “Add to Cart” button, if your browser supports Java Script (most browsers have this feature enabled) and you will see a window in the middle of the screen informing you of the insertion of the item in the cart. To see the overall summary of the shopping cart, just click the button in the upper corner.


You may add or remove items from your cart at any time and the totals will be updated automatically.


After the selection of the desired products, click the first button on the cart to review the product or  


Repeat this process until your shopping cart contains all the products you wish to purchase. Then simply click on the “Check Out” button to complete your order and follow the simple instructions that will walk you through the checkout process.

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